First of all:
Merry Christmas! :)
Today I even got a Christmas Card from my mother ... She doesn't understand why I threw her out of my life, but she wishes me merry christmas and that I'm happy and bla bla bla. Understanding was never her olympic discipline ... Don't really know how to react or if I should react at all.
I phoned with my Grandma then. It's kind of weird. She will visit my mothers house like every year, as my uncle and his girlfriend do. They will have dinner together and then my mum will go in the living room and will put some music on (Roy Black - Christmas CD). Then she will ring the bell and everybody will enter the room. They will all stand in front of the christmas tree and will sing or pretend to sing or just listen to the music. Grandma will cry cause she misses my Grandpa. After that they will all sit down on the couch. and my mother will give the first gift to my youngest sister. she will get her gifts one after the other. then the next oldest person gets her gifts the same way. and so it goes on.
I can't really believe that I won't be there tonight ...
1 Kommentar:
You should call your Mum and thank her for the card. Just to return the courtesy, as you can't send her a Christmas card in return now. Just to get the score even.
Maybe this will be the shortest and flattest conversation you gad with her in a long time. Maybe not.
Don't know what will come out of it.
But ... According to "manners" and "formality" and all ... Just return the courtesy.
Even the score.
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